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Time Capsule Reinterred

After removing the time capsule buried at the dedication of Eureka Temple fifty years prior with great anticipation one year ago, a new time capsule was reinterred on June 26, 2016 at 2:00 PM, this time to remain in place for a full century, to be reopened on June 26, 2116.

The time capsule, professionally produced and sealed by Tom Marak of Time Capsules, Inc. in Prospect, PA, was filled with all manners of letters and miscellanea of interest to St. John's Lodge and her membership, brought under vacuum several times, and back filled with argon gas before being sealed to guarantee the integrity of the items therein contained.

Bro. Tom Warren signs his name on the lid of the time capsule.

A prayer is offered before the time capsule is reinterred.

The event was a family affair!

Bro. Cole Gomes and Bro. Justin Rogers demonstrated their skills as operative Masons for the day.

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